
Welcome to my digital recipe book. Here you will find my kitchen experiments, craft projects, and photos of my pug. 




September 5, 2020

We returned after grocery shopping (with a week’s worth of groceries) to a home with no electricity! It was at least 95F inside if not more, and the air quality was so bad outside that we could not open the windows. This was during a record heat wave in California. I was grateful for the candle holders that we keep in the living room, our portable little Marset lamp, the toilet bowl light, and spare candles in the closet. Fortunately I had bought myself a pizza for dinner, but Romolo was unable to heat up his pho broth so that he could cook the raw slices of meat that came with his dish.

September 6, 2020

September 6, 2020

Re-Sealing the Granite Countertops

Re-Sealing the Granite Countertops